Friday, December 28, 2007

The Seven Month Stretch

At seven months, I think RTR and I are finally figuring things out. Napping is getting better. No longer is it a 20 minute song and dance--literally-- to get him to fall asleep for a 30 minute nap. This week I've also been able to avoid swinging him in his carseat to get him to fall asleep. Which is a good thing because not only is it truly a pain but he's about to outgrow the seat and the next size up stays in the car. I do have to give some credit to one of his Christmas presents-- the Ocean Wonders Aquarium (thanks to Suzanne for the suggestion and Aunt Lins for the gift). If he's in the right state of mind, I can just put him in his crib, turn on the aquarium and he's soon asleep-- probably shouldn't go on and on about this because I'll jinx it or it will turn out to be a fluke.

In an earlier post, I worried he was a picky eater. Apparently this too gets better with age and some predictability on my part. He's up to eating solids three times a day and gobbles it up pretty well. His first taste of peaches seemed to have perplexed him though. I even made him some homemade baby food with carrots and cauliflower from Christmas Eve dinner. I hesitated to give him the broccoli--why don't they make broccoli baby food? He likes to participate more in meal times... grabbing the spoon and putting it in his mouth himself. Maybe this will be one of the pluses to "Second Child Syndrome"-- he'll have better table manners than his older brother who still seems to think most everything is finger food.

After nearly two months of waiting and trying on my part, RTR is sitting up on his own--most of the time. I still put the Boppy behind him if I am going to leave him for a couple of minutes. The hardwood floor is pretty hard on the noggin. Not sure what to do when he tips forward. So far he hasn't hurt himself-- I just make sure if I do leave him, there are only soft toys in front of him.

We had to retire the crib mobile. RTR figured out how to arch his back in just the right way so he can reach up and grab the legs of the animal hanging down the lowest. I have to admit it was fascinating to watch. Kinda sad too as it's another sign that he's getting older-- even if his age is still measured in months.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Blessings

It's the day after Christmas and lyrics from Christmas songs keep running through my head (that darn Warm 106.9 and its continuous Christmas music!).  We had ourselves a very merry little Christmas.  Christmas Eve was so sweet and magical.  As we sat around the table for dinner, CSR reached out to hold hands with Grandma and Grandpa and we all joined hands (even RTR in his high chair).  CSR then said Grandpa needed to say the blessing--which may have caught Grandpa off guard since we rarely say a blessing at the table.  But it just goes to show you how a four year old's mind works.  CSR meant for Grandpa to count his blessings.  According to CSR's direction this was something just the boys at the table were going to say.  When it was CSR's turn, he said he was blessed to have his Grandma and Grandpa here for Christmas.  After dinner, CSR sat on Grandpa's lap while he recited a Christmas cowboy poem.  CSR just sat there and listened so intently.  Then it was Grandma's turn.  Sitting in the glider in front of the fireplace, CSR sat in her lap as she read "Twas the Night Before Christmas."  I was watching pure love as they sat and rocked in front of the fire and read stories from the special Christmas book.  The night also included a trip outside to spread the reindeer feed Grandma had brought for Santa's reindeer.  CSR picked just the spot next to the chimney.  Tyler said CSR put one of his name tags outside so Santa would know that it was his house.  CSR also got the plate of cookies ready and picked out the cup for the milk for Santa.  All this wonder and excitement is so wonderful.
We were even pretty lucky that we didn't have to get up too terribly early Christmas morning.  I've had reports of other family members and friends getting woke up at 4AM.  In our case though, it was RTR, not CSR, who sounded the alarm before 7AM.  CSR was very surprised by what Santa left him-- including a bright red toboggan.  Good thing it snowed on Christmas.  Santa must have known.  CSR got several pairs of pajamas and seemed to put on a fashion show of sorts-- changing from one set to another throughout the day.  I think the blue reindeer ones are his favorite.
Christmas reminds me how blessed I am-- with family and friends whose generosity and thoughtfulness make this a magical time, loving grandmas and grandpa, aunts, uncles and cousins, two dear little boys and a very special husband.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Busy Little Elves

In case I failed to email you this link, check it out. I think it's pretty funny. But then again, it was late in the day when I did this. You might have to copy and paste to get it to work.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mad, Sad and Disappointed

It all started with a poopy diaper. The boys and I headed downtown this morning for our annual visit to Santa. While on our way out to the carousel, RTR filled his diaper. After Tyler and CSR took a spin on the carousel, we headed to Macy's. After debating where to meet inside, Tyler and CSR went to look at the train window display while RTR and I headed to the 6th floor and the "Family" bathroom. The sign said to get the key for the bathroom at Gift Wrap. The woman in Gift Wrap said there was no key, someone had failed to return it but that there was a baby changing station in the women's room on the second floor. I beat feet to the second floor women's restroom-- or "Lounge" as it was labeled. A quick spin through the spacious lounge revealed no changing station. My first clue should have been the woman kneeling on the floor changing her newborn baby's diaper on a bench in the lounge. By the time I got situated in a handicap stall, the poo had leaked out-- onto his undershirt, shirt and pants. Of course I was the lame mother who decided NOT to bring the mega package of wipes when I switched baby bags to come downtown. I had one wet wash cloth and a Huggies disposable wash cloth to clean everything up. Thankfully there is a paper towel dispenser in the stall. The spare clothes I did bring didn't have the same holiday flair as the original outfit. But I made due with a clean onesie, slightly poop-stained pants and a cute holiday vest. So it was back up to the 6th floor (where we decided to meet originally) to meet Tyler and CSR. I waited for 20 minutes by the elevator. This is where I curse our having only one cell phone between us. I decide maybe they went down to the 5th floor to where Santa is. So it's back on the elevator to the 5th floor, follow the signs through the furniture department to find Santa's hang out. I get there and not only is no one there but a sign saying Santa went to feed is reindeer and will be back at 3:30-- 45 minutes away. Just then the cell phone rings. It's Tyler asking me where I am. He's on the first floor now after having spent 20 or more minutes waiting for me outside the "Family" bathroom on the 6th floor. By now I am livid-- at Macy's, Santa, the company that does the photography and myself for the whole mess. By the time I got to the first floor, I was so mad, I told Tyler I couldn't talk about it. Going to Nordstrom wasn't an option. It's notorious for crazy long lines to see Santa and we were now out of time-- RTR and I had to be in the U-District at 4:00pm. RTR definitely had no idea what we missed and CSR seemed to understand. We'll try again another day. I think I need more sleep.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Picky Eater?

Can RTR already be a picky eater? He's only six months old but already showing some pickiness when it comes to eating solid food. In the two weeks since we started with rice cereal, he hasn't really eaten very much. If memory serves, CSR took to solid food very well and he's still a pretty good eater... he will "sneak" broccoli from the cutting board, but he often asks for pizza for dinner. Tonight he said pizza, lasagna and spaghetti are his favorite foods. That's funny because I thought it was candy. Anyway, I digress. In an attempt to feed my second-born, I broke out something different-- winter squash! I was so hopeful when RTR took the first couple of bites. But it soon faded and he quickly became more interested in a plastic lid than anything being offered on a spoon. A good friend of mine said it's part of "Second Child Syndrome." I did not know it had a formal name. Apparently, whatever came easy with the first born, the second born child makes up for it by being difficult. This could also explain why RTR isn't as advanced on his sitting up skills. If he became good at sitting up by himself, who would sit by him and hand him toys and stuff. I would probably be more apt to set him down and then go do a load of laundry. This may also be why CSR can't find any clean socks. Note to self: put socks on CSR's Christmas list.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Dashing Through the Snow

Snow today, gone tomorrow. The snow fun started while we were on another family adventure. This time on a trek to cut down a Christmas tree. The flakes started falling while we were having lunch in Issaquah and was really coming down by the time we made it to the tree farm in Carnation. Apparently Christmas tree farms are largely a cash and check operation. We learned this the hard way when we showed up without a check book and about five dollars short in cash. After a quick side trip to an ATM in Duvall, we were ready to cut down our own tree. We could pick any one we wanted all for $35.

Of course, it wouldn't do to get one from the front section. So we grabbed a saw and RTR who was snuggled in his car seat for a walk down the snowy path to where the Fraser trees are.
Poor RTR must have wondered where in the heck we were taking him--snowflakes landing on his cheeks and covering his blanket while Tyler and I debated the merits of one tree over the next. CSR was just loving the snow and picking up handfuls of it for a snack. Finally we found the one we wanted and Tyler made quick work of cutting it down.

When we pulled out on the highway, it was snowing even harder. By the time we got home, there were at least three inches of snow on the ground. Perfect for getting out the snowman kit.

Sadly by the next morning, the snowman had fallen over. But that didn't stop our little snow angel. He took full advantage of the new snowfall. So much fun!