Friday, November 21, 2008

Multi-tasking Mama

It's amazing what a mother can get done when there aren't any children around! This afternoon CSR was at a friend's house and RTR was taking a nap. During that time I was able to bake some bread (in a bread machine), talk on the phone, bake a batch of cookies, have another conversation on the phone and assemble a lasagna (actually two, one for dinner and one for the freezer). Not too shabby. Just don't ask me about the condition of the rest of my house.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Our Little Ham-ster

We're probably headed down a slippery slope when it comes to RTR and his eating habits. As I mentioned in an earlier post, he's a bit of a snacker and pretty much begs for food anytime anyone is in the kitchen, regardless of whether they're doing something food-related. Last night, grandpa was slicing up the ham for our dinner and all the while he worked there was RTR at his knee begging, saying "Ham, ham, ham." Of course, gramps couldn't refuse, giving our little "Ham-ster" bits and bites while we put the finishing touches on getting dinner on the table. I thought when it did come time to actually sit down and eat, RTR would be full. But he did eat some of the food on his plate and of course begged for more ham. Now if only I could get him to beg for veggies the same way. It also seems ham and hi are two of the words RTR says pretty clearly.

Football Fans

The Seahawks may not be having their best season, but here are some of their fans watching yesterday's game against the Dolphins.

Hmmm, should I be appalled by the condition of the living room?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween is the New Christmas

The month of October culminated with the annual ritual of trick-or-treating. We headed out just as it got dark on Friday night. I think we were the first ones out in our neighborhood. Around the corner, we met up with one of CSR's classmates and her brother. Since they were coming from the other direction, they were wanting to trick-or-treat at houses we had already been. While we tried to get CSR to wait on the sidewalk, he wouldn't do it. He went ahead with his friend, but when it came time to get the treats, he told the people at the door, "No candy for me, I've already been here." What manners. Of course it didn't matter that he didn't "double dip" at those houses, he still came home with a sack overflowing with candy. And on Saturday morning, a neighbor who wasn't home Friday night, dropped off little treats for both boys.

I think Halloween may be becoming the new Christmas. It's turning into a month-long series of events-- from field trips to pumpkin patches and corn mazes to class parties and community events--everything from carnivals to "haunted" parks. Not to mention that we also hit Pumpkin Prowl, a goody-laden event at the Woodland Park Zoo. And it probably doesn't help that many stores have already started stocking their shelves with Christmas stuff. Last week, next to the Halloween candy, I noticed stacks of Christmas-themed candy at Bartell Drug. I know Costco gets an even earlier start-- maybe after Labor Day. CSR told me that after Halloween, Christmas starts. I tried to explain that Thanksgiving came in between and that we don't start our Christmas celebrating until AFTER Thanksgiving.