When you have children, apparently all holidays become a big deal. We don't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day, unless you count wearing something green as celebrating. So when talking to CSR about St. Patrick's Day, he floored us with what he thought we should do. First. we have to hang up our stocking so the St. Patrick's man can come and fill them up. Then we have to have Lucky Charms cereal. Hmmmm, not so sure about the stockings. But could probably pull off the cereal. Of course, though knowing CSR's sugar habit, I didn't want to suffer through the battle of dealing with an entire box of Lucky Charms (am I weak?). So on Monday night I remember about the cereal but realize that it's too late for me to go to the store. So I ask Tyler if he can remember to stop at the store after working late and get one of those multi-packs of cereal that have the mini-boxes. That I could deal with. So I take the mini-box of Lucky Charms, tie a silver (didn't have any gold) cord to it and string the cord from CSR's bedroom door knob to the living room and hide the cereal. I have to say, it seems like money well spent, considering how surprised CSR was and how much he seemed to enjoy the treat. Nothing like sugar for breakfast. How lucky am I?