With RTR's discovery of
Bob the Builder, the living room has turned into a hard hat area. Both R and CSR have been really into building with
Lincoln Logs the past week or so. So much so, there aren't quite enough logs to go around. At least not enough of the longer two and three section logs. When making the LL kits, who decides the quantities of each size? While we have a gazillion of the tiniest logs, there aren't enough of the other sizes to finish whatever architectural designs these boys have. One time I was at a thrift shop and watched with a little envy as another shopper discovered a huge cache of LLs and quickly bought them. Of course the practical side of me was saying-- better them than me in having to pick up all those logs. Of course, now I wish I had scored the find. But I might change my story the next time I step on a stray log in my bare feet.