Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. It might sound cliche, but today it certainly seems true (and it's a rainy Monday to boot). It's all quiet at our house, the only sounds--this typing, the fridge running and the snap and ping of the clothes in the dryer. Both boys are asleep... it took me what seemed like forever to get RTR down for a nap. CSR fell asleep in a pile of blankets in the chair in the living room while I was waging my nap battle against the baby.
We all probably need a nap. It has been a full and busy weekend--which pretty much started on Thursday night when Grandma and Grandpa arrived for an early Thanksgiving visit. CSR has been nearly electric with enthusiasm during the visit. He loves them so much. He kept asking/telling them they needed to stay for eleven days to do all the things they needed to do. When grandma dropped him off at preschool this morning, he told her to be sure and bring grandpa when it was time to be picked up. I'm sure it made it that much harder for g'ma and g'pa to get ready to go home. When I arrived to pick him up at school, such tender feelings (I'm not trying to make you weepy, if you're reading this grandma). I could see it in his eyes, this sort of hurt, disappointed look and then when he spoke, the break in his voice, wanting to know where they were. Amid all the hub-bub of the classroom, he cuddled up and let me hold him. On the way home, he wanted to know how many days it had been since Thursday, when they arrived. When I counted out four days on my fingers, he said they were suppose to stay for five more days. Not quite eleven days total, but still pretty good math skills for a four and a half year old. Of course, all this emotion made coming home and getting lunch ready a whiny mess.
We're lucky to have such doting grandparents. They generously watched the boys while I went and had a massage (delicious!) and took them to the park on Friday. CSR loves having them read books and tuck him in at night. He got grandpa to pull him in the wagon almost to the park on Saturday, but then he got too chilly and wanted to come home. Yesterday he was lobbying hard after lunch at Ruby's Diner to stop at Tree Top Toys so he could show grandma some toys. CSR and grandma watched the second half of the Seahawks game (papa and grandpa were at the game) and then made some cinnamon ornaments. Lots of togetherness.

My blogging was interrupted by a crying baby. It took me more than 45 minutes to get RTR to fall asleep for what turned out to be about a twenty minute nap. Poor return on my investment. I'm trying to wean both of us off of having to use the car seat for naps. But so far, it's not working. I tried the whole swaying, shushing and singing routine and even a little cry it out, until I gave in and got the car seat. I can usually get him to nap easily by strapping him in his car seat and then swinging the car seat. I wasn't sure if I was getting a workout or wrecking my arms or back. Turns out, it was the latter. I'm the victim of my own popularity, at least when it comes to RTR's popularity index.

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