I feel lucky to have such happy children... genuinely grinning, giggling laughing kids. Last night as I put RTR to bed, I gave him a kiss on his forehead and then an Eskimo kiss on his nose. My reward-- a good ol' giggle. It was such a sweet surprise, I gave him another Eskimo kiss and again was rewarded with a another heart-melting giggle. When it comes to laughs, it's hard to beat our other little guy. Lately, one of CSR's favorite things is to watch the Pink Panther (the 1970s cartoons) on Netflix. !

He will sit perched on the dining room chair just watching the action unfold and laughing like it's the funniest thing he's ever seen. I guess it might be the funniest thing he has seen. Who knew the wordless cartoon from our childhood would tickle his funnybone. I will have to sneak in and get him on video watching the Pink Panther-- or as CSR calls him-- that Pink Guy. Cheers to Tyler for finding such easy entertainment
1 comment:
Children's giggles are among the world's greatest sounds...Audrey used to belt out giant belly laughs when she was a wee one. Her laugh still resembles her baby giggle and it makes my heart sing. I am so glad your boys bring you such joy to your days...k
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