There's just something about playing outside. I swear. CSR and his friend Evan have got the outdoors figured out. This picture is of them this morning playing in the backyard. After asking for their lunch to be a picnic, they dragged the picnic table from the deck and parked it underneath the slide on the swing set. They came inside wanting a game while they waited for lunch to be made. Not willing to let them take Candyland out there, the boys were satisfied with checkers and a box of Go Fish cards. Before all that, it was all about water and making soup. Begging at the back door for water, I slipped on some shoes and went out and filled their various buckets from the rain barrel. At first, I had my doubts and didn't want to end up going outside every five minutes to refill their containers. They only came back one more time wanting a refill so that wasn't so bad.
Since they started playing together regularly in September, the backyard at our house or Evan's has been the prime play spot. Evan's yard has a great tree (Laurel?) that provides a cool canopy for their imaginations. When I picked CSR up on Tuesday, he didn't want to leave (which can be a sign of a good time being interrupted). They were making "soup" and had a campfire going-- which was two real pieces of firewood surrounded by some wire garden fencing. Very creative I thought. They had also discovered a plastic wastebasket filled with water and were pushing a ball down in the water to get it to spill out of a crack and into their watering can. So besides playing outside, they were maybe getting a little science lesson on water displacement.
1 comment:
great stuff. busy little minds. picture is magical. says it all. precious. k
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