Okay, so RTR is actually ten months old, but he had his nine month check up just a couple of weeks ago. Here are some of his statistics:
Height: 29" (60th percentile--meaning 40 percent of babies his age are taller)
Weight: 18lbs. 4 ounces (10th percentile)
Head Circumference: 48 cm (97th percentile)
With these stats, he's kind of a candy apple with a big ol' noggin and a tiny body. No wonder he isn't crawling. He just doesn't have the core strength to hold up that head. Actually, he's been scooting around-- somehow making his way a couple of feet from where I set him on the floor. I should invent some sort of baby suit with Swiffer attachments so he can crawl around and sweep the floor too. He's been reaching farther forward too, usually getting himself "stuck" sort of leaning on something-- the basket of board books, a kids chair, his brother.
He's still only showing one tooth too. Our little snaggle-toothed baby. The picky eating habits are also back. Apparently my pureed veggies aren't up to his exacting standards, still waving me off when I try to feed him. Yogurt and fruit are what my friend Marianne dubbed "gateway foods"... I have dipped the offending food in yogurt or pureed fruit in order to get RTR to eat it.
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