You know, sometimes with your spouse there are times you realize there is such a thing as too much togetherness. Well, I think the same goes for children. Since I couldn't convice CSR to sign up for a day camp or even a class, we've spent A LOT of time together this summer. I think it must be getting to me because this week, I haven't been the best parent I could be. It amazes (and frustrates) me that we meet up with preschool friends at the park and what does CSR do? He either hangs on me, insists I play with him or goes off by himself-- and doesn't play with the other kids, which was the main reason for us to go to the park. What is it with that? I figured he'd be going nuts to see his school friends and have some time away from me. Maybe I'm too popular for my own good? Of course if CSR isn't on my case, he's pestering RTR. I can't tell if CSR is purposely playing rough with the baby or is oblivious, although I suspect it's the former. We thought we were pretty lucky when RTR was born that CSR didn't really act out like some kids do when a baby arrives. But now, I think it was just delayed-- especially now that RTR is mobile and is demanding in his own way for attention. A year ago, you could put RTR in the Bjorn and go. Now, not so much. Maybe that's what CSR is realizing. Three can be a crowd when it comes to the freedoms of going and doing whenever where ever.
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