Tyler took the day off from work-- partly for this big day and also because he worked on the weekend. It was a beautiful day so we walked to school. CSR rode his tricycle. We took a couple of pictures outside the door and then went in the classroom.

The teacher had name tags on the tables so we helped CSR find his. Things seemed to be going pretty well. Then it came time to say goodbye. Oh boy, big emotions set in. He grabbed me and did that silent teary sob thing he does. Brought tears to my eyes too. What to do? My friend Suzanne (who's a teacher) had advised me a few days ago to make the goodbye quick and not linger. Okay, I could do that I thought. Easier said than done. I drew a heart on his hand and one on mine and said he should look at that during the day and think of me and I would do the same. That seemed to cheer him. So Tyler and I started to leave. He jumped up and grabbed me, in tears. Tyler got him back to his seat and talked to him for a few more minutes. I waited outside where we'd left RTR parked in his stroller. Watched other parents too and was glad to see we weren't the only ones with tears.

KK~ Your first born off to kindergarten. Bless it. It was hard with Olivia for me as well. I am glad you both made it through...warm thoughts of you 4. k
Aw, Karen. The story brought a tear to my eye! Especially the part about you drawing a heart on his hand. What a milestone for CSR. I'm sure each day will get easier for both of you.
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