Hello. I am the Queen of Nope. I ascended to this position thanks mostly to two six year olds who spend most of their day asking me questions that I am forced to answer, "Nope."
9:00 Them: Can we have a popsicle? Me: Nope.
9:30 Them: Can we go to the Space Needle today? Me: Nope.
10:45 Them: Can we have a popsicle? Me: Nope.
11:30 Them: Can we have a cookie? Me: Nope.
How I wish they would ask me questions I could say yes to:
Can we have more carrot sticks?
Can we play in the backyard and let you read a magazine/newspaper/Facebook in peace?
Can we use our own money to buy you a latte?
I guess all this give and take builds character-- for all of us.
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