Thursday, January 10, 2008

Not a Social Butterfly

One of the newest developments in our lives has been the drop-off playdate. After years of entertaining preschool friends and their moms, or vice versa, we've entered the drop-off playdate zone. We've hosted two successful dates, including one that resulted in a quickly reciprocated invitation. The plan was for CSR to go home after preschool with a classmate on Wednesday. But as with all carefully laid plans... At noon the phone rang. It was Joanne, the classmate's mom, saying CSR was upset and didn't want to go home with them. I talked to him on the phone-- and he did sound a little freaked out. Which made my mother guilt kick in. I think he was having a hard time hearing me too. Anyway, she said she would bring him home. But after more than ten minutes of waiting... they hadn't shown up yet. A few minutes later, the phone rang. Joanne calling once again to say CSR WAS at their house. Apparently once in the car and on the road, CSR told Joanne he changed his mind and he would like to go to their house. For lunch, he told her he liked bananas and peanut butter if she had them. Which is funny to me for two reasons-- first, I can hardly ever get him to eat bananas. And second, peanut butter and banana sandwiches are what we had when we took my 98 year old grandma on a picnic adventure in August. The sandwiches were my grandma's idea. I think they're one of her favorites. She has told me that when she was a little girl, her father would bring home bananas on a stalk for their family.

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