It's been hit or miss (mostly miss) for RTR and his baby swing. He got so mad when we would put him in it, I put the swing away for a while. So the new trick to help him fall asleep for a nap has been swinging him as he was buckled into his car seat. It works pretty well, although I'm not sure if I'm wrecking my back or building up my biceps. So we tried the swing again on Friday, but this time buckling him in to it to make him feel secure (before the five point harness seemed superfluous with the little tray and the reclining seat). He fell asleep and I was able to get dinner made. Tried it again yesterday and today and got a little more mileage out of the swing... so maybe he's back in the swing of things.
It's amazing he's already four months old. Here are some of his latest and greatest tricks:
*New challenge: Trying to fit entire fist in mouth
*Sleeping through the night
*Rolling over (once in a while)
*Took his first plane trip
*Trying to decide what to be for Halloween
*Favorite food: Breastmilk
*Favorite drink: Breastmilk
*Attended first art show
*Learning the fine art of Peek-a-boo
*Likes: Smiling, mama, papa, watching big brother run around, crib mobile
*Dislikes: tummy time, sudden outbursts from dad during Seahawks games, riding in cars
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