I'm trying to get better, more natural photos of my kiddos. One piece of advice I read from the pros is to cut the cheese (haha). Try to get out of the habit of having kids/people say "cheese" when you take their picture. I have a lot of pictures of CSR with a goofy, "cheesey" grin, so now no more cheese. Also, since it's a digital camera, I'm trying to take A LOT of pictures just to get a few good ones. Hopefully that will force me to delete the extra pics. before I upload them to Costco's web site for printing.
RTR is getting a new perspective. In the past few weeks, I thought he was learning to roll over. Both times it happened, I was in the kitchen and he was in the living room. CSR came running in to say he rolled over. So this week, I began to suspect the little guy was getting a little help from his big brother. But then, at our baby class, RTR rolled over a bunch of times. So much for my suspicions!
Hey, very cute! Good idea. The cheesy smile cute ho'
that should be though! not ho! As the last line should read "the cheesy smile is cute tho'" I promise to learn to type and spell soon.
Your boys are so cute and cuddly! Love to you all! :) Suzanne
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