Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rhead Boy Reads

This is what the 5 o'clock hour usually looks like at our house--me trying to get dinner on the table while keeping the troops entertained. Recently CSR did his part to help keep RTR happy--with a little reading. He got out his "Fox in Socks" book and looks like he's really reading it. While I think he is a "sight reader", he's not yet reading books--even those easy-peasey Dr. Seuss classics. It's also funny to me because that book isn't in our regular reading rotation... at least not in CSR's top requests when it comes to books.

Oh and congratulate me, this is my first youtube post from my Flip Camera!

1 comment:

Katie said...

CUTE! said Liv. She and I just watched this. You hipster--You Tube. I love the big boy focus and the baby coos and gurgles as if he's engaged in story time.This is precious!!! k