One year ago, my world changed. I returned to the land of diapers, middle of the night feedings, rear-facing carseats, the tiniest of onesies and the sweetest of experiences.

One year later, my world changed. The rear-facing carseat can now face forward, mealtime is no longer strictly liquid, the onesies are now a size "Large," but the experience remains sweet.
That seven pound, three ounce newborn is now a 20+ pound baby who's about to become a toddler. He's always on the move, crawling or cruising somewhere. While 5 o'clock is often the witching hour when it comes to trying to get dinner on the table, one of the newest developments is the peals of laughter coming from the hallway as RTR and CSR play... I think it's a game of chase that generates the most laughing... RTR "chasing" after CSR. Also getting big laughs, RTR at the cat door in the laundry room door reaching through and looking through the opening. For some reason, CSR finds this extremely hilarious. As long as neither of them is eating cat food or the sandy cat litter, whatever it takes to get dinner made.
Happy Birthday Baby!
Here are some pictures of RTR celebrating his first birthday with a cupcake. Not exactly a delicate eater, he pretty much tried to eat it all in one bite. We joked that it would be all fun and games until we had to call 911.

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