Tomorrow is RTR's first birthday. I can't believe it's been a year... as I've asked myself frequently in the past year, where did the time go? I have been feeling in the past few weeks his baby-ness floating away. It's this essence of baby... an emergence from this baby cocoon he's been in since he was born, maybe even before he was born. I was lucky it lasted as long as it did. He figured out the crawling thing just two weeks ago and it looks like walking is close at hand (or would that be close at foot?). I think if he would have crawled sooner, or got his first tooth sooner I would have felt that babyness floating away sooner. Even at one year old, he still looks more like a baby than CSR did. I think it's the hair--RTR doesn't have as much as his brother did at this age. I've tried to savor the joys (and frustrations) of the first year--since it's our last.
There's just something about turning one, marking the biggest of those "firsts"--the first birthday. I have probably set myself up with too high expectations, but I want to make sure I do RTR justice with celebrating his birthday (I know it's more for us than him). I can't make it the same as it was for the first-born, but I'm still planning. The first-born's first birthday fell on a Sunday, so a little celebration was easier than planning something for a Thursday. We even had a grandma in town visiting.
Is it sad that I ran to Fred Meyer tonight to get RTR a few gifts? I guess I should give myself some credit--I baked mini cupcakes to share at our baby class picnic on Tuesday. He seemed to like his. I also had enough foresight to get RTR a birthday balloon while grocery shopping today--so maybe I'm not doing too bad. I think my mom forgot my sister's birthday when she turned one.
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