Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Medal-worthy Mothering Moments?

This morning as RTR and I were leaving our co-op preschool class, I was in a bit of a hurry. I had a table to load in the car and it was raining. But RTR wasn't really that into hurrying to the car. So I took the time and decided that yes, I could slow down and let RTR go at his own pace. So he splashed through all the puddles on the sidewalk, despite not wearing the proper footwear. He became particularly interested in the deepest puddle which was being fed by the leaky rain gutter, dripping steadily. Of course splashing wasn't enough. He had to walk through the stream coming from the rain gutter--several times. I thought, okay... the table can wait. He's having fun. What's a little water? Of course, by the time RTR was finished, he was soaked and I didn't have a change of clothes for him. I rushed to load up the table and raced home in time to change RTR before we had to go pick up CSR. I thought, yea for me, mother of the day for letting RTR splash around.
Now it's an hour later and we're walking home from picking up CSR's school. The light rain turned into a cold drizzle. Not even before we left the school yard, RTR was mad and pulling to get out of the stroller. Foolish me for braving the rain. Halfway home, I had to take him out of the stroller and carry him. He had gotten cold and wet from the rain. Thankfully CSR was very cooperative and willingly pushed the stroller the rest of the way home. So now, I withdraw my nomination for mother of the day. RTR did bounce back after a grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup and some warm milk. But still not one of my smarter moves.

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