Our sweet smiley baby boy is five months old! He must be feeling his age. Today was a sleepy day for him. After sleeping through the night, he woke up to nurse around seven this morning, fell back asleep until after ten, took a little cat nap at noon, snoozed again at three, another siesta at six and then out like a light at bedtime by 7:30. When he was awake, he was such an agreeable little guy... putting up with a little photo session with the pumpkins on the porch and letting me sit him in his little chair while I worked on dinner. Most of the time he won't let me get away with sitting him in one spot for too long. This poor babe is also getting some of that second-born treatment. I have an appointment on Friday to get his THREE month pictures taken. Also, I did his FOUR month footprints today. Hopefully, I'll get caught up soon.
Some five month fun:
Discovering his feet--diaper changing time is prime time to reach out and grab those tootsies!
Working on sitting up--still need a lot of support and can make mama and papa nervous with sudden leaning to the side or front and sliding down
Open mouth, insert _________--loves trying to put anything in his mouth
Give me paper--you need paper slobbered on, crinkled or folded, I'm your man!
Big Brother--always keeping an eye out for that brother who is a great source of entertainment, always working hard for laughs and smiles
Learning to squeal--especially when papa is tickling and talking