Today is CSR's first big boy field trip--no mom tagging along and the first time on a real school bus. It's a change for both of us--after two years of co-op preschool field trips where all the kids and parent go together. With our struggles lately to even get to preschool, I was the cheerleader at home, talking up the big field trip... how much fun it will be and how exciting it will be to ride a school bus. Back when the permission slips were passed out more than a month ago, the big attraction wasn't going to the animal farm and pumpkin patch (been there, done that) but riding the bus! I asked him if I could stay and take pictures of him getting on the bus-- could make for a good page in his scrapbook. Now looking at the pictures, I see what a big boy he's getting to be... lining up and walking with his class and climbing aboard. All these four year olds tucked two to a seat. As I stood in the parking lot watching and waving, I loved to see not only my child but other kids waving to me from inside the tinted bus windows. Kids are good wavers. I can't wait to hear CSR tell me all about the trip. I wonder what he'll come home with--he said he wanted to get a ghost pumpkin.
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