Just when you think your four year old is wearing you to a frazzle, comes this. On Tuesday, I got out of the shower to find RTR crying (instead of napping) in his cradle. I started to talk to him and was about to launch into "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," when CSR who is standing next to the cradle says "no, I'll do it" and starts to sing. At least his version of it-- parts of all four verses all squished together. I thought it was so sweet and also pretty amazing how he picked up all those chunks of words. But then again, CSR has an amazing memory. I swear he would be a great crime witness. As we were getting in the car the other day, a woman stopped her car to ask directions. We got a couple blocks from our house and CSR wanted to know where the woman in the Volvo was going. It knocks me over how he can remember those kinds of things. This summer, we were sitting in the parking lot of a McDonald's in Oregon and he points out a car, saying it was the same kind of loaner car we had when we had the brakes done on our car-- and that was last spring. Maybe he just has a thing for remembering cars. He can identify all kinds of makes and models in traffic.
Oh, and this might not be a news flash, but one of the easiest, yummiest shortcut, almost homemade desserts is two-bite brownies topped with cream cheese frosting (I got this idea from a co-worker). We had a party and my homemade contribution to go along with the food we ordered was brownies from Costco with orange (for Halloween) frosting. Although one of my friends did ask jokingly if that was salmon pate on the top. I had a little trouble with the red food coloring. The cap "popped" and splattered red all over the counter-- like a tiny crime scene. Thankfully, I could use my Clorox Bleach Pen to dab up all the spots on the counter--just like an episode of CSI!
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