Today was an absolutely gorgeous day...of course, I didn't take any pictures. I never saw a thermometer, but it seemed hot this afternoon. With our ususal childcare arrangement out with a cold, I took CSR to the baby class RTR and I take. The upside was that we got to enjoy the beautiful weather with a walk there... well, I walked, the boys got to ride. I go back and forth on blessing and cursing the inventor of the Sit-n-Stand stroller. Definitely handy on long walks and trips to the zoo but with a lousy turning radius and a forty+ pound four year old who takes full advantage of the sitting option, I am getting to be one "pushy" mama. Coming home was the worst part. It was hot (I was foolishly wearing a long sleeve t-shirt) and included an uphill part. CSR was sweet enough to get off and push the stroller part of the way then.
I am surprised he wasn't hotter. CSR decided to wear his lizard costume--last year's Halloween costume that's now in the dress up bin. I worked too hard sewing it not to get more mileage out of it than just one Halloween. A true "green" costume. I'm on the hunt now for this year's costume for CSR. He wants to be an engineer--the train kind, not civil. I found a hat at Value Village for $2 and now face a trip to the Oshkosh outlet store for striped overalls. At least RTR has an easy costume--the same pumpkin costume CSR wore when he was a baby. However I thought for just a minute of making him a caboose costume to go with CSR's engineer. The picture is of CSR in the lizard costume LAST year.
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