We're on a new kind of diaper duty in our house-- making the switch to cloth. Or at least trying to. Who knew you needed so much gear for cloth diapering-- the cloth diapers (at least 2 dozen), diaper covers, liner/wet bag for the diaper pail, stuffers/liners for the diapers, additional laundry supplies-- baking soda, white vinegar. I'm sure I'm forgetting at least one thing if not more. The first day went pretty smoothly. It's the ones following that made me realize that this may be a little harder than I thought. I also think I bought the wrong size prefolds. Who knew they came in different sizes? The ones I have don't quite reach all the way from front to back if I fold them according to the diagram I had to print out showing how to fold the dang things. The fleece liners also appear to irritate RTR's bum, so those are out of rotation. I also read somewhere you can't use regular diaper cream for irritation because it could ruin the diaper's absorbancy.
I checked out a web site called Diaper Swappers thinking I could find some of the gear we're lacking. Instead, it's overwhelming with a bunch of abbreviations I don't understand and don't have the patience to look up the meanings. Talk about a sub-culture. Also, RTR's mainly fruit diet (see the Fruitetarian post), makes for tricky diaper changes when it comes to that #2 business. Then there's the lame person on Craigslist who told me the diaper covers I was interested in were sold, but still appear on the repost. And when I took off on Sunday leaving the boys with their dad, some of my parting advice, if you get befuddled on the diapers, the disposables are in the bottom dresser drawer. Proudly, it looks like Papa was on the cloth bandwagon-- even doing some laundry while I was gone (even if he used too much bleach).
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