Okay, they're not really boots, but still I thought a catchy line for the subject-- RTR's first real shoes (Robeez don't count). I put grandma's birthday shoe money in my pocket, loaded up the boys and headed to Nordstrom. My friend Julie says getting the first pair of real shoes at Nordy's is a tradition in her family. I figured I would see what they have and also scope out the Stride-Rite store in the mall. Got to the kids' shoe department and was overwhelmed by the selection. I didn't realize you could spend $70 on baby shoes-- but there was at least one pair at that price. Grandma didn't send THAT much money. Plus, anyone who knows me, knows my sensible (frugal?!?) ways would never let me spend that much on baby shoes. After telling the young salesman what we were after, he measured, or tried to measure RTR's feet. RTR isn't too keen on putting his feet on those cold metal foot scales. After a couple of tries, it was time to break out the plastic one. A size 3. The man went to the back and came back with all the size 3s in stock-- about six pairs. Funny thing about baby feet, or at least RTR's, they don't slide easily into shoes. With a couple of the pairs, his right foot was really hard to put in the shoe. I figured if the shoe was this hard to put on in the store, how would it be at home? After trying all the shoes, which were all cute-- or as cute as shoes for boys can be-- we ended up buying the first pair we tried on. The salesman was really nice. At first glance, he didn't seem to be the kids shoe salesperson type. But anyway, adding to our own little family milestone of the first shoes, Nordstrom also marks the event by taking a Polaroid picture (not the most flattering of pictures) and giving a "Nordy" doll (a plush little creature with a funny shape).

My bargain-hunting ways made me stop in the Stride-Rite store just to see if I got a good deal. And I'm happy to report, they didn't have anything better at a better price! Now, if only RTR would start walking. He's getting braver, standing up for longer and longer periods, but no great strides--YET!
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