Another change of pace in our household-- my 99 year old grandma is visiting. She's been here only a couple of days but already it's been great. CSR has taking to calling her Grams, as in "Hey Grams, look out your window to see the fountain." We'd taken her for a little drive down to the ferry dock in Edmonds. I think it's a cute pet name he's come up with. He also calls her 'Cullough, a sort of abbreviated version of her last name.
She's hard of hearing so that means The Price is Right at top volume. When CSR realized she had dozed off, he turned off the tv. That made me smile, thinking that he DOES have a limit when it comes to tv-- since his parents limit screen time during the day. Last night, Grams said "CSR, you tickle me." He was being a cut-up, acting silly while playing restaurant and trying to take her order from the menu he had made. For some reason, he'd just burst into giggles whenever she read one of his drink items-- "Pooch juice," whatever that is.
He's very sweet to her, wanting to help her for the most part. Refilling her water glass, pulling her chair out for her at the dining room table. Here's to a few more days of fun times with Grams.
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